For 30 years, my clients and my colleagues have been searching for the "hows" of therapy! As an AAIT™ Practitioner, I have 20 + techniques that will transform the "hows" into true healing. Actual integration of the conditioned self into the true self. Spiritual Technology at its finest!
Acceptance And Integration Training® is a practice that quickly and effectively targets problems that cause reactivity and distress. The protocols used with AAIT™ guide people to the problem resolution of old wounds, pain, and self-limiting beliefs: all of which lead to movement towards our true self. Isn't it time to be free of your conditioned self?
Dick Olney
Thinking in other categories is waking up from the bad dream that you are not who you think you are. You are not your body. You are not your mind, your emotions, your ego, your beliefs. You are not all of these things; you are the process of being this elaborately unique creative expression. You are essence.
Zivorad M. Slavinski
What was unconscious and compulsive, becomes conscious and a matter of choice. You are set free.
Acceptance is experiencing without involvement.
Dick Olney
Self-Acceptance Training is a path or a direction. It is not a goal and it is never completed. In a sense, it is a form of meditation, an attitude toward life, toward yourself, and toward the world, that you cannot hold onto, but can return to again and again.